Sino Number System
Number |
Hangul |
English pronunciation |
0 |
영, 공 |
Yong, kong |
1 |
일 |
il |
2 |
이 |
Ee |
3 |
삼 |
Sam |
4 |
사 |
Sa |
5 |
오 |
O |
6 |
육 |
Yook |
7 |
칠 |
Chil |
8 |
팔 |
Pal |
9 |
구 |
Ku |
10 |
십 |
Ship |
20 |
이십 |
Ee-ship |
30 |
삼십 |
Sam-ship |
40 |
사십 |
Sa-ship |
50 |
오십 |
Oh-ship |
60 |
육십 |
Yook-ship |
70 |
칠십 |
Chil-ship |
80 |
팔십 |
Pal-ship |
90 |
구십 |
Ku-ship |
100 |
백 |
baek |
If you want to say 15 all you need to do is put 십(ship) + 오(O) = 십오(ship-O)
The same applies to the rest of the numbers; 25 is 이십(ee-ship)+오(O)= 이십오
The Sino Korean number system is based on Chinese numbers. The following is a general guideline of when to use the Sino Korean number system.
1) When talking about the date.
2) When counting money.
3) Phone numbers
4) Numbers above 100.
Native Korean Number System
1 하나 [ha-na] |
20 스물 [seu-mul] |
2 둘 [dul] |
30 서른 [seo-reun] |
3 셋 [set] |
40 마흔 [ma-heun] |
4 넷 [net] |
50 쉰 [swin] |
5 다섯 [da-seot] |
60 예순 [ye-sun] |
6 여섯 [yeo-seot] |
70 일흔 [i-reun] |
7 일곱 [il-gop] |
80 여든 [yeo-deun |
8 여덟 [yeo-deol] |
90 아흔 [a-heun] |
9 아홉 [a-hop] |
10 열 [yeol] |
From 11 to 19 is simple. You just put the number 10 and add another number after it.
Ex) 열 (10) + 하나 (1) = 열하나 [yeol-ha-na] (11) 열 (10) + 아홉 (9) = 열아홉 [yeol-a-hop] (19)
When do we use the native Korean number system? The following is a general guideline of when to use the native number system.
1) When telling time use the native number system to describe the hour but use only the Sino number system for the minutes.
For example: "It is now 2:15" would be translated to; "지금 두 시 십오 분 이에요"
2) When mentioning your age you can use the native Korean number system.
For example: "몇살이에요?"(How old are you?)
"저는 열여덟 살이에요." (I am 18 years old)